Our 2023 Recruitment is now open!

No dance experience is needed, we welcome all beginners and aspiring Salsa dancers!

Want to kickstart your university life with something fun and unique? Here’s your chance!! Have a taste of what it’s like dancing with a partner and how social dancing works during our workshops!

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We are SMU’s Premier Salsa Performance Team, dancing a vibrant and energetic style that brings the sultry rhythm of Cuba to our sunny shores. Under the tutelage of experienced choreographers from INIZIO over the past decade, our dance teams put together exhilarating displays of partnerwork and coordinated stunts to dazzle audiences in every performance. Since our establishment, we have welcomed people from various walks of life and trained together to bring evolving performances that will keep our audiences on their toes.

With over 19 years of history and going strong, we have built a super supportive family with alumni and super seniors who constantly visit and mentor us. Through hard work and perseverance, we give our members countless performanceopportunities to showcase their talents and gravity defying tricks!

WHY join us?


Caderas welcome everyone to our family! It is one of the best places to start exploring Salsa as everyone starts off unfamiliar. We look out for one another both on the dance floor and off. Through training (and many supper meals) we indefinitely become a close-knitted bunch!


Focused on both dance and athleticism, we expect our members to train hard and play hard! Every training starts with a physical training session and stretching to get everyone warmed up and build their stamina as well.

Caderas Latinas also teaches social dancing skills, where salsa dancers learn how to “lead” and “follow” during partnerwork. Members frequently attend social dancing events around Singapore, networking and meeting new people from all over the world!



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